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California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Statement (SB 567)

Everglades Boats (“Everglades Boats” or “Company”) is an ethical enterprise and expects its employees and suppliers to engage in lawful and ethical business practices. The use of slave labor or human trafficking in the manufacture of Everglades Boats products or components supplied to the Company is unethical and unacceptable. Everglades Boats fully supports California’s efforts to protect human rights through ethical supply chain management.

Everglades Boats supply agreements and Supplier Code of Conduct (collectively “supplier terms”) require our suppliers to manufacture and supply products in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Specifically, by agreeing to the Everglades Boats supplier terms, our suppliers selfcertify that they are in compliance with all applicable federal, state or local laws related to human trafficking and slavery.

Everglades Boats validates and approves its suppliers based on a variety of factors. The Company conducts risk-based audits to verify and evaluate its supply base. Supplier compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards is among the items audited by the Company. The audits are conducted by the Company and are typically announced.

The Company trains its employees in a variety of areas, including ethical business conduct. Employees and management participating in the Company’s international trade and supply chain are trained regarding the risks of doing business in high-risk countries and/or with high risk trading partners, including risk mitigation efforts. The Company does not maintain internal accountability and procedures for employees or contractors related to failing to meet standards specifically regarding slavery and human trafficking. However, the Company maintains a robust ethics and compliance program which encourages reporting and is designed to identify and promptly address unethical or unlawful business practices, including labor practices.